Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cheeseworld crime wave ends, Cheeserails project continues

CHEESEWORLD - The crime wave has been going about a month. Thousands of dollars worth of items stolen. But it's all over now. The culprit has been found, and the items have been recovered.

Players are happy to get their beloved items back. Notably, Heartbeat got back nine shops she won in the lottery last week, the shops containing a total of 60 million dollars.

Cheeseburger is offering financial compensation to those affected. Players can now play normally again, and there is no longer a need to keep items all secured.

Meanwhile, the Cheeserails project is now in full swing. The first rails have now been laid, and about 200 blocks have been laid so far. The first priority is to connect the spawn continent, then to expand and reach the eastern islands, including Darkfur's spectacular Glory Island and Nicktbl's island, among others.

The railway will become a significant connector across the server, making transportation much easier. It is currently a long trip by boat and walking to get from spawn to Glory Island, days in length, but when the railway is completed the journey will be a fast handcar commute and will take just minutes to complete.

The railway is eventually expected to go around the 4x world.

-Cheeseburger, The Blocky Herald

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